Soul Journeys in Central Pennsylvania

Developing inclusive faith communities in the spiritual tradition of the United Church of Christ, where we believe that "God is still speaking." Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Networks in the UCC

Dear Reader,
The support network for individuals and churches that advocate welcoming glbt persons into the full life and ministry of the United Church of Christ congregations of central Pennsylvania is coordinated by a volunteer task force called Central Pennsylvania Open and Affirming (CPONA). This task force is open to anyone who would like to be part of our effort to create a church of full-inclusion. Some of the activities we have supported are workshops, drama and films for church groups on human sexuality and lgbt issues, participation in gay pride events, distribution of literature, and counsel for congregations seeking a process for considering what it means to become ONA. Our next meeting is at 12 noon, at the United Church Center, 900 South Arlington Avenue, Harrisburg. Feel welcome to attend, or email us at to be placed on our regular email list.
Within the United Church of Christ, there are many groups and resources for people interested in what it means to be a welcoming and inclusive church. The UCC/LGBT page on the denominational web site is An active coalition also exists within the United Church of Christ, headed by The Rev. Ruth Garwood. The website of the Coalition is
Thanks for reading. We hope you'll be in communication with us.
Allen M. Fluent, for Welcoming Congregations in CPA

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